by Stephen R. Prothero
There are two kinds of variability with in all categories, a between and a within. Except for well designed experiments it is not possible to separate the variability because of confounding (the mixing up). This book looks at mostly the within differences (variability) for each of the major religi...
I am not going to spend much time discussing the bulk of this book – the nine chapters that introduce you to “the eight rival religions that run the world” (in Prothero’s estimation) and atheism – because that turns out not to be the important part. I’ve had a difficult time writing this review beca...
Accessible, informative, insightful. Highly recommended.
Prothero gives an interesting synopsis of eight of the world's major religions. His thesis is that liberal theologians have done a disservice to religion by suggesting all faiths are just different paths to the same goal. Prothero argues that the different religions disagree on what humanity's big...
A few weeks ago I read an interview with the author of this book and that intrigued me enough to make this the first purchase through Apple's iBooks application on my iPhone. During this last weekend's dive trip, and I had enough free time to spend educating (and re-educating) myself on the world's ...
6-19-11 On disc 8. Fascinating.6-22-11 Lo these 40+ years ago, when I went for orientation for my freshman year, the classes I hoped to take for one of the gen ed requirements were filled (as a registrar these 25+ years, I finally now accept that :-), so I chose a two-semester survey of Eastern Ci...