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God Save the Queen (Immortal Empire Series #1) - Community Reviews back

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Feminista rated it 11 years ago
Rating: 5 out of 5.Review to come.Corsets and handguns...That's the time-zone we are in.In a mixture of eras, Kate Locke beautifully creates an environment that has elements of steam punk and urban fantasy.This is 21st Century ruled by an undead Queen Victoria. The nobility are made up of vampires a...
Library Liz·ard
Library Liz·ard rated it 12 years ago
Locke has done something really interesting with paranormal and I appreciate how difficult that is in this jam packed genre. I really liked Xandy and especially Vex but I am hoping that the next book gives us just a little bit 'more'. More excitement, more spark, more depth of feeling, I'm not exact...
kindleaholic rated it 12 years ago
3.5This review was really hard to write, because minus one character, I would have really liked this book.It's all Vex's fault.I liked many parts of this. The world is cool, and the big secret was fun. Good setup there for future books. Xandra is a half-blood living in a world where a virus created ...
Fangs for the Fantasy
Fangs for the Fantasy rated it 12 years ago
Xandra is a half-vampire, her father a vampire and her mother one of the courtesan carriers of the plagued genes. Like many halvies, she serves the vampiric and were aristos that rule the county, in her case as a Royal Guard – and one of the Royal Guard’s best. And they need to be good – after the I...
AH@BadassBookReviews rated it 12 years ago
Intriguing and extremely detailed world - 3.5 stars Steampunk! Vampires! Werewolves! All of my favorites in one place. Does it work? Yes and no. God Save the Queen has extensive and extremely detailed world building. A lot of thought and creativity went into this world. At first, it really feels lik...
SoBe rated it 12 years ago
3.5 stars. Okay, screw it, I'm not in the mood to write an actual review review for this one, so I'm just gonna list some random thoughts:*Well developed story..interesting, engrossing, it sucked me in....however there were some info dumps/loooong descriptions of things esp in the begining...Some w...
GizmosReviews rated it 12 years ago
*Genre* Steampunk, Romance*Rating* 3.5*Review*"Mothers know to keep their children at home after dark, lest they go missing, fated to end up as goblin food-or worse; a goblin slave." pg 8God Save the Queen takes place in a alternative reality United Kingdom where Queen Victoria still rules after 175...
Tackling Mt. TBR
Tackling Mt. TBR rated it 12 years ago
I had looked forward to reading this book ever since I saw the cover, but the story proved to be even more than I expected. Xandra is an interesting character in that she is judgmental and lives mainly for other people's approval at the start of the book. If she had stayed that way throughout the bo...
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