by Phyllis Christine Cast
One of the weaker books in the Goddess Summoning series. Considering this is Camelot, I don't think all the slang worked. It was distracting. However, it was an entertaining read.
That was not the ending I was expecting. I was kind of sad at the thought of Gwen, Lance and everyone not being part of Isabel's life anymore, but I was just expecting her to get Arthur in her time. I was really worried about Gwen being 'vapid'. I'm glad that wasn't really the case. I do wonder if t...
Not as good as others in the series. Isabel goes back in time to King Arthur's Camelot yet she continues to speak, act, dress like present times. It just wasn't at all believeable. Entertaining at times but annoying too.
Light mindless fluffy fun, with some feminist issues added. I think it was really unrealistic in some points but hey I wasn't expecting much else... Some of the jokes made me laugh and think about Twain's A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court. But I don't think I'll be reading more of the Godd...
Cute. I had a lot of fun with this one. I just wish that the people of Camelot had spoken a little more like the time period and a little less like P.C. Cast, but by now I've come to expect it in her books. It's part of what makes her stories different.
I was actually disappointed by this one. It's definitely the worst in the series. The humor was crappy (Ronald of Reagan?) and the ending left a lot to be desired.