by Sarah Palin
Ghost written, self-serving, revisionist history.
Possibly one of the most abused and attacked politicians of our time, Sarah nonetheless shows class and dignity that few other people could under the circumstances. I've never been able to figure out just why she has been attacked so, but she was definitely set up and misused in the last election. T...
This book was okay. Only reason I actually read it is because my husband bought it for me for Christmas. If I were to sum it up - I'd say the book does do well to show how Palin did well in her Alaskan political sphere and how the National side of politics was beyond her capacity. She doesn't ful...
I thought this was an interesting read..I think I read it more for the Alaska connection versus the SP connection, although, I did feel she came in with some very interesting perspectives on some things.
Very well written an informative. I see this as Palin's Doctrine.
This gets 4 stars because I listened to her tell her story of her "American" life and the campaign. It shed some light on how things went down and why they blew up the way they did. I learned a lot about her early government years and the accomplishments she achieved in office in Alaska. It helped m...
By definition, I am not a Sarah Palin fan. I read this book because my father in law raved about how good it was. I have to say, I learned more about the woman than I ever thought she'd reveal in a first book. I was even more surprised to find I agreed with her reasons for voting the way she did on ...
Surprisingly readable and highly enjoyable. She certainly does her own thing. In many ways, I admire her guts. I especially enjoyed the opening chapters about Alaska, and her closing chapter. If it is possible for you to open your mind and consider many possibilities, then read this book - you m...
Oh my holy sheesh what a goldurn great book. She opens way up, I had no idea. The affair with Levi--sometimes messin' about while Todd was lying stonefaced drunk on the side of the bed--came out of nowhere. (No wonder they're catting after each other in the press now--MEEEE yow!) Full of revelat...
Offers an interesting interpretation of the truth. I can't wait for Levi Johnston's book, if he gets around to writing one!