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Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
Gone Girl
by: (author)
3.99 230
Format: kindle
ASIN: 13261812
Publisher: Crown
Pages no: 432
Community Reviews
AnjaIsReading rated it
Rezension auch hier ==> Gillian Flynn – Gone Girl – Das perfekte Opfer | AnjaIsReadingFairytale Gone Bad trifft Psycho…Das ist mir beim Lesen dieses Buches nicht nur einmal durch den Kopf geschossen. Gone Girl ist ein bisschen anders als andere Krimis und absolut genial. Die Story ist intelligent, s...
I'm Reading...
I'm Reading... rated it
4.0 Gone Girl
I thought this was a great book, with believable characters and an intriguing plot; Only the ending maybe disappointed me a bit.An interview with the Author: The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/may/01/gillian-flynn-bestseller-gone-girl-misogyny?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&u...
Read. Book Reviews by Jennifer
Read. Book Reviews by Jennifer rated it
What? That is how it ends? WHATTTTT??? I just don’t even know what to say. I have been taking notes and writing this review while reading so I wouldn’t forget anything and then I finished and now I am just like what? I can’t believe that is how it ended. I just can’t believe it. Makes sense though I...
nataliya rated it
3.0 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn
Summary: I loved it while despising it, how 'bout that? Oh dear, I'm caught between realizing that this is one of the most inconsistent plot-and-characterization-wise books I've read in a long time - as well as one of the most entertaining stay-up-all-night-to-finish books. Hmmmm. This book unap...
amandalina rated it
0.0 Gone Girl
I don't know what pains me more, reading this book or having to DNF it. But I told myself this would be the year I'd stop forcing myself to read books I couldn't get into no matter how long I waited to borrow it. Well, I waited over four months for this one and it's taken me a week to read 47 pages....
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