by Peggy Rathmann
Genre: Bedtime / Animals / Zoo / Humor / Children's Year Published: 1994 Year Read: 2017Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Now, I have a confession to make: I have often seen the book “Good Night, Gorilla” by Peggy Rathmann around many times when I was little and yet, I had never bothered to pick ...
This book is a very simple and silly read about a zookeeper closing his zoo for the night. When he says goodnight to the gorilla, the gorilla steals the zookeeper’s keys and unlocks himself and the rest of the animals. The animals all follow the zookeeper home and to bed, but are eventually caught a...
I read this to a handful of preschoolers late last year, and I think I enjoyed it as much as they did. The book is wonderfully colorful, and as an animal lover, I was both amused and touched by the antics of the animals in this story, the gorilla in particular. The gorilla mimics the human keeper to...
I'll be 22 in two weeks. I have med school papers in 3 weeks. I've just "read" Good Night, Gorilla. I don't know what i'm doing with my life.
I loved this charming story of a gorilla and the night watchman from the zoo. Beautiful illustrations and great text. Classic!
A gorilla steals a zookeeper's keys and releases all the other animals -- not to cause a rumpus, but so they can follow the keeper home and sleep in his cozy little house. There are very few words, and the simple story is conveyed clearly by the pictures, so this is a perfect book for toddlers to "r...
One of the best board books ever. If you know someone who is going to have a baby, please be sure they have a copy of this one. On the basis of this book alone Rathman should have received a MacArthur grant.