An intriguing story to read. The unusual aspects of the world discovered a fascinating thing to learn about and attempt to understand.
This book contains two short novels in one volume and I disliked the first one, but liked the second one. I prefer science fiction, but I do like fantasy too. They are, though, two entirely different genres. They are at least as different from one another as a romance is different from a techno-thri...
A story about trying to pull the strings of history. I regret my vague knowledge of Marxist historical theory, since I think that would have helped me understand the author's intent; nonetheless, it struck me as quite a good work of alternate history, more thoughtful than most entries in this often-...
I read this over the summer of 1998. It is a very comprehensive science fiction anthology. I think it makes a very good work if you want to get a historical overview of where the genre comes from and where it is going. The stories do vary in quality, so odds are good you may find some you like more ...
[These notes were made in 1989:]. The Enterprise investigates a peculiar planet-sphere which entirely surrounds its sun. The inhabitants are few, and there is a mysterious race of "strangers" who make their appearance only when the artificial satellites of the sun create a local "night." There is ...