Graduation Day (The Testing)
9781783700226 (178370022X)
Publish date: June 1st 2014
Publisher: Templar Publishing
Edition language: English
Series: The Testing (#3)
This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & MoreThis one had me on the edge of my seat. How is she going to do what is asked of her? Who is she going to trust to help her get the job done?The conclusion plays a major focus on the decisions that Cia must make. Can she do what has been ask...
Book Infoebook, 304 pagesPublished June 17th 2014 by Harcourt Brace and Company (first published June 1st 2014)original title Graduation Day (The Testing, #3)ISBN 0544301706 (ISBN13: 9780544301702)edition language Englishseries The Testing #3other editions (10)Source:Kindle version borrowed from Pub...
The final installment of The Testing series left me a little let-down. We wrap up the conspiracies, double-crosses, triple-crosses, and rebellions we found in Independent Study, and get a small glimpse of the new future. I can't quite put my finger on why I'm disappointed, though. There was a lot o...
(Description nicked from B& “She wants to put an end to the Testing In a scarred and brutal future, The United Commonwealth teeters on the brink of all-out civil war. The rebel resistance plots against a government that rules with cruelty and cunning. Gifted student and Testing survivor, Ci...
Actually rating: 3.5/5 stars.Graduation picks up with Raffe telling Mya that Professor Holt knows they left campus and Griffin has started looking for Damone. President Collindar wants to end Dr. Barnes' reign and end the Testing procedures. There will be a vote on the chamber floor to try to end it...