David Chambers is a biblical archaeologist who once explored the biblical sites because of his faith, but now that faith is as dead as King Herod he is contemplating a change in career direction. In this slightly futuristic thriller, a chance telephone call from a colleague in Israel brings the oppo...
I've always enjoyed series stories more than standalone ones. Even as a kid, I remember coming to the end of a novel, and, even though all the plot threads were neatly wrapped up, I still wanted to know what happened to the characters afterwards. That may be due to a sitcom-filled childhood; I do...
Even though I didn't agree with "Flee the Darkness," the prequel to "By Dawn's Early Light," doctrinally, I still found it to be engaging reading with plenty of intensity and action. However, I did not find that to be the case with this second outing. Although there were a few tense moments and a ...
Pretty much everyone my age or older remembers the Y2K debacle. Some said it was going to be the end of the world; others said our technology was going to come to a screeching halt; still others had various other predictions. It turned out that it really wasn't worth worrying about; the worst thin...