by Karen Amanda Hooper
"Every soul is a story shelved away in an infinite library in the sky." What if I told you there reincarnation is a reality? That our souls are bound to come back at earth through several lifetimes?Most of souls erase their past, starting the new cycle, with the page blank. But they're others, calle...
"When it's dark enough, you can see the stars." What I felt after I read this book:1)Wow!2)I love this book! 3)This book took my breath away!4)I will love it forever. Conclusion: It's so beautiful. I would give this book an infinite amount of stars. I would give it all the stars in the universe. ...
*This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.*This book was another that was really hard for me to rate and review. Both during reading and even after finishing, I just wasn't sure what I thought of it. Honestly, it wasn't until I sat down to write this review that I was...
Posted @ my blogThe Book Twins | YA & Adult reviews How would you feel if the love of your life has simply erased you, as if you or your lives together didn't matter or existed?This is what Maryah did. She might not know it right now, or understand why, but before entering this life, she existed pri...