by Ainslie Paton
Why was I surprised? I don't really know. Maybe because I have never heard of the author. Maybe because I don't remember buying this which means it was either really cheap or free. Maybe because I don't think grease is romantic.But let me tell you, this was a story that I immersed myself in. I ...
2.5 StarsPoorly edited and unnecessarily long, which was part of the editing problems. I didn't dislike the story and I found the characters interesting, but the issues were too distracting. Basically: competent author; mediocre publisher.
I can't believe I forgot to write a review for this book. I loved it heaps when I picked it up and read it in one sitting. Grease Monkey Jive was one of the first romances by an Australian author that I read and it totally converted me. I fell in love with her hero within the first couple of pages a...
And this book ends my feeble relationship with DA.
What a sweet romance! Great character/relationship development and a fun supporting cast. This is one romance I won't forget easily. A fair amount of editing errors, but it didn't distract too much from the story and I'd happily read more of Paton's books.
There's lots of good things I could say about Grease Monkey Jive, but I'll keep it simple: the story is heart-breakingly honest, and if you're looking for a strong, real Australian voice, this is it. Brilliant book.
Really sweet novel about a player who meets his match in a ballroom dance instructor. The novel takes it's time letting the hero try to change and be a better person. The result is like a long Sunday drive down a winding road on a summer day.