Sexy sailors immediately conjures up images of fit navy men. Many see them in uniform on a boat. This differs a little for me. I see instead, half-dressed navy men up to all sorts of sexy shenanigans. The little ditty by Village People, "In the Navy", may also run through a reader's mind. Howev...
The first three out of four novellas collected here were quite good, the fourth I didn't care for so much. It's worth grabbing a copy for the first three alone however. The third, "Choose", by Ryan Thomas was a five star read for me. He has a real talent for emotionally charged extreme horror and...
I very much enjoyed this anthology, only two stories that I did not connect with and several gems. Of course, that is just me, tastes will differ, my experience may not be typical, all the usual disclaimers apply. Anyway, here goes:GPS by Rick Hautala--great story by a master. Life-time Bram Stok...
3.5 stars. This was cute. I loved the description of the book store (I'd love to own something like that). I liked the chemistry between the two MCs even if I didn't particularly like them. I liked Dillon the most as he seemed to genuinely love Chance and want the best for him (gotta admit, I was wa...
Usually I pick my way through collections. Not this one. I started this on a flight back from North Carolina and blasted through to the end during the rest of my free time over the next week. Never has short erotica made me cry. Three. THREE stories in this collections made me cry and a handful made...