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Grey Shapes - Jack Mann
Grey Shapes
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The legendary occult-detective, "Gees," tackles the case of those who "Live, but not as we live. Drinking warm blood, rending raw flesh like lions -- and yet more dog-like, wolf-like, utterly evil." Grey Shapes is a classic novel of dark magic, lycanthropy and romance, reprinted only once in the... show more
The legendary occult-detective, "Gees," tackles the case of those who "Live, but not as we live. Drinking warm blood, rending raw flesh like lions -- and yet more dog-like, wolf-like, utterly evil." Grey Shapes is a classic novel of dark magic, lycanthropy and romance, reprinted only once in the last sixty years.
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Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Bookfinger
Pages no: 286
Edition language: English
Other editions (3)
Books by Jack Mann
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