Charlie...The Merry Christmoose (Children's Christmas Book) - John Sherwood Reading start: 2019-11-15 Reading finish: 2019-11-18
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New Release Charlie...The Merry Christmoose (Children's Christmas Book) Now available at Amazon This is the story of a little Moose named Charlie who lives at the North Pole and dreams of flying with Santa's sleigh team. Convinced his brown fur and antlers make him just like a flying
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New Release Charlie...The Merry Christmoose (Children's Christmas Book) Now available at Amazon This is the story of a little Moose named Charlie who lives at the North Pole and dreams of flying with Santa's sleigh team. Convinced his brown fur and antlers make him just like a flying
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Charlie's story is about the pursuit of dreams and the determination to follow them even when things go against you. Many times what you end up getting is even better than what you set out to achieve in the first place. Charlie wants to inspire imagination and instill determination in readers youn...
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