My Dexter will eat most of what he kills. He always leaves the stomach - usually for me to step on somewhere along the garden path. He does like to catch birds, and I always tell him off for that becuase he doesn't eat them. The way they are strategically placed I think he expects me to pluck them f...
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:D Dexter is a very apt name for my cat as he terrorizes the local wildlie even with a bell on his collar. That's what happens when you take in a stray, I guess. And he's impossible to put on a diet, even though the vet says he's getting fat. He just goes out and suppliments his own diet if I cut do...
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Hi, I'm Casey, MM Author, avid reader of all things and really, really wanting to find some decent recs for all that is FF. Variety is the spice of life after all ;) And I have a cat. Dexter.
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I think the one thing that hasn't been said yet, it acknowledging that there are many authors out there 'doing it differently' or 'writing what they love for the sake of writing' rather than money but we don't see those books available because publishers don't accept them. There are very few MM pu...
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Unplug the works for me :)
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Uhm, I'm not reading it. I just wanted to join a group. :) Hello.
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