Okay, so I assume most SFF junkies have read this one, but if you haven't then it's high time you did. High time... is that the right expression?
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The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams Reading start: 2015-03-05 Reading finish: 2015-03-31
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Can a book lose it's soul by selling out for movie rights or a television series? Or do you think creating a movie/series from a book allows it to be enjoyed by more people? I'd love to know what you think. Also, do you have any favourite book 2 movie transformations? Or worse? (Any mention of ...
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Good thing the only rule in this club is "Don't Panic". So don't panic. I just want readers' opinions on what the difference between an indie author and a traditional author. Can you tell when you're reading a novel? Do you care?
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