Extraordinary and brilliantly written.
Exceptional historical fiction.
(Ich lese allerdings eine andere - ältere - Ausgabe mit 127 Seiten)-----------------------------------------------------2.5Von Pausewang hatte ich vor Jahren "Die Wolke" gelesen und auch wenn ich mittlerweile nicht mehr weiß, wie mir das Buch gefallen hatte, so ist mir der Inhalt noch bewusst. In "D...
Again, no rating. It's simply been too long since I read this piece of fiction. I know that it felt intense back then and that I wasn't able to stop thinking about the situation there.I think I read it in 2005 (when I was ~12 years old), but I'm not sure.
One of the most shocking stories I've ever read. Because the scenario is so real and so possible. The two most horrible scenes are when the heroine has to bury her brother on the roadside and when mass panic errupts at the train station and she involuntary lets go of the little kids she was supposed...