by Candlewick Press, Anita Jeram
A sweet book where a little bunny named Little Nut Brown Hare tries to convince his family member, Big Nut Brown Hare, just how much he loves them. This book is first on my list of books that I want to read. This book is great to be used during Valentines day, or just when you want your students to ...
A great book for a Valentines day! It is placed at a 2.8 (2nd grade, 8th month) reading level from accelerated reader leveling system. This book is guaranteed to touch hearts. Little Nut Brown Hare tries to prove to his mother just how much he loves her. Big Nut Brown Hare out does Little Nut Brown ...
This is such a sweet story about a baby bunny in a fun competition on who loves who more. Valentine's day would be a great time to use this in the classroom. Of course as a bedtime story one day too. Activity: I would have the students cut out a picture of the baby bunny and have them write a coup...
This book has me constantly laughing. "Little Nutbrown Hare" and "Big Nutbrown Hare" are surprisingly difficult to read repeatedly. The children I nannied for had me read it almost every day just to hear me try to read those names and roll around on the floor laughing. I thought I was the only one...
One of the best children's books around. Especially for under 5s.
I love you THIS much. A lovely little children's book that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. I don't have children, but were I to I can imagine how lovely it must be to red this at night, just to reaffirm that feeling.
I'm not a big fan of the gooey, sentimental board book. Some of them make me a little ill. But not this one. This one is adorable without being nauseating.