by Laura Lee Guhrke
The Plot: Daphne is a poor, orphaned, bespectacled employee who is secretly in love with her employer, Anthony, Duke of Tremore. That is, until she eavesdrops on a private conversation where he tells his sister how plain and unattractive and unfeminine she is. Despite the fact that NONE of this is a...
It started off really interesting, but then I quickly lost interest. Her later books are much better. Originally published on GR in 2011
This is one of those books that I just never wanted to stop reading. I admit to being a bit weird in that when I don't like a book, I read it as fast as I can but when I love a book, I slow down and take my sweet time with it. I basically really like the synopsis on the back so I picked it up wit...
rating: 3.5 stars
3.5 Stars
4,5 stars ( livro foi-me recomendado por uma companheira "goodreadiana". Eu adoro a comunidade Goodreads, por vários factores: pelos livros novos que descubro, pelo convívio e pelas ligações que se criam neste espaço virtual. N...
Loved it! Beautiful straight character-driven romance (my favourite kind), with terrific scenes and interaction between the hero and heroine (my favourite is the one where Daphne announces to the duke that she is leaving his employ because she doesn't like him, and really gives him a piece of her mi...
I have read this book twice over the years and what I like most about it is that, after overhearing what the hero says about her, the heroine truly lets go of her infatuation, reassesses her priorities in life, and sets about changing it. This is so much more realistic than if she would have just f...