by Sarra Manning
This is one of those books that I tend to keep waffling back and forth on; it’ll sit on my shelf for a few months, and I’ll think “Oh, did I really like that book? Maybe I ought to read it again.” And then I read it and back on shelf it goes. Which isn’t to say that this is a bad book…yet it’s not...
WTF? Molly Montgomery and Jane pop up in [b:Adorkable|10890319|Adorkable|Sarra Manning||15806095]! The band is a different name, though. Oh, I SO have to read this.
my friend recommended it to me. i read it. it was okay, but kinda bizarre ...
A British teen becomes a pop star. There are some drugs and sex, but also innocence. A coming-of-age story written almost like a diary. The cover looks more fun than the book actually is.