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I had read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a young girl in school but we didn't read this book, which is the first of the series. I now know and understand why. It is highly inappropriate for young minds. In this modern age reading it, I found myself slightly offended at times. Too much mentio...
Good story, but I don't think I'm a fan of Twain's writing style.
Mark Twain writes the best first person narrative voice I have ever read. He's so witty that I caught myself laughing out loud several times. It's a good thing nobody else was around because I probably would have been committed. The story itself is one of those 'too good to be true' type of old ta...
“A modern day warriorMean, mean strideToday's Tom SawyerMean, mean pride” - “Tom Sawyer” by RushClassic prog-rock man!I’ve always wondered what Rush’s (probably) most popular song has to do with Mark Twain’s young protagonist. Something to do with being a free-spirited rebel I think, though I...
Part of me wonders if you get your book lover card taken away from you if you end up disliking a literary classic? I really loathed this book from beginning to end. Truth be told, I am not really a Mark Twain fan at all. Every time we had a choice between reading one of his stories in English class ...