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A copy of this novel was provided by Strange Chemistry via Net Galley.Let me start off this review by saying that the story of The Woken Gods is unlike any other I have read. It’s pure epicness in story form. I loved the thought of gods being woken up from a deep slumber, only to not take over the e...
I will probably read the second if I have the time, but some really lopsided and hamfisted world building. Loved the concept but the execution was meh. I'm largely indifferent to the protagonist
While nothing was glaringly bad within this book, it just wasn't entertaining. I didn't enjoy reading it, I didn't have fun with it. However, with all its faults put together, and just the lack of enjoyment that I got out of this book, I can't give it anything more than 2 stars. It doesn't rank as "...
(View this review on My Library in the Making.)When I first read that synopsis, I knew I'd love The Woken Gods. All that promised mystery, intrigue, and action? This magnificent book didn't just deliver—it surpassed. I may have just read one of my top ten fave books this year.The first surprise that...
Originally posted at Stellar Four: love mythology, and books where the various pantheons exist in the same world (witnessed by my love of Hearne's Iron Druid and Andrews' Kate Daniels series), are devoured like candy-coated written...