H. Beam Piper
Birth date: March 03, 1903
Died: November 05, 1964
H. Beam Piper's Books
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This is a slightly weird tale, but rather fun. It seems that Col. Ashley Hampton is being confronted by his nephew Stephen Hampton and his wife, a lawyer and a shrink. The nephew and niece want to have Co.. Hampton committed to an insane asylum. They will, thereby, gain control over his money. The c...
This book is essentially a hagiographic portrayal of the exploits of a Confederate military adventurer, John Singleton Mosby. Basically, Mosby ran a guerrilla operation in Virginia wherein he attacked and plundered the supply lines of the Union armies. I didn't find this book particularly well writ...
“I went through the gateway, towing my equipment in a contragravity hamper over my head. As usual, I was wondering what it would take, short of a revolution, to get the city of Port Sandor as clean and tidy and well lighted as the spaceport area. I knew Dad's editorials and my sarcastic news stories...
A classic Adult SF that stands up better than some but still has issues. The chartered Zarathustra Company had it all their way. Their charter was for a Class III uninhabited planet, which Zarathustra was, and it meant they owned the planet lock stock and barrel. They exploited it, developed it a...