Biographical NoteIntroductionFurther ReadingNote on the Text--The War of the WorldsAppendix: Note on Places in the NovelNotes
First half was enjoyable, however the second half was laborious, pompous and not at all enjoyable.
I had to read this book for a science fiction module at university and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I spent most of the day curled up in bed (it was cold), reading it. I've heard of the plot before and alien invasion is not normally a plot that excites me in a book.However, fro...
I know this is a classics, but honestly I wasn't too impressed by it. I think it was the writing style more than anything else, as the plot was interesting enough - or perhaps it's just a book that doesn't do well as an audiobook, as it's rather slow-moving. I felt there was too little cause for adr...
originally read in jan 1978