Hals über Kopf (Tempe Brennan 9)
Format: Hörbuch-Download
Publish date: 2007-10-18
Publisher: Random House Audio
Edition language: Deutsch
Great read, and although this series has it's ups and downs, this one was definitely one of the ups . Yes, the whole Pete/Ryan thing got annoying (deducted half a star for that) but the plot was top notch; intriguing, unique and suspenseful. Overall, a great read and I'd say one of the best in t...
Autor: Kathy ReichsTitel: Hals über KopfReihe: Temperance Brennan (9)Genre: Wissenschafts-ThrillerÜbersetzer: Klaus BerrVerlag: Karl Blessing Verlag, [27.09.2006]HC, 416 Seiten, nur gebrauchtBlanvalet VerlagTB, 416 Seiten, 8,95 €Kindle-Edition: 7,99 €Random House Audio, [Datum]Spieldauer: 7 Std., 28...
Marginally 4 stars. Another Kathy Reichs standard forensics book. Not really any anthropology since all the dead are recent. Pretty much nothing more than a medical examiner treatise. For me, the saving grace in this book was the banter between characters and the absence of Harry and Anne. In t...
I am pretty far into the Kathy Reichs Tempe Brennan series at this time...One of the things I like about Kathy Reichs' books is that they are like an old bathrobe, they are a really comfortable read. What I don't like about Kathy Reichs' books is that they are like an old bathrobe..you know what to ...
The story picked up after a while, but the beginning was confusing. Too many names and cases in the very beginning. At times the technical talk was too much for me, and I found myself skimming...a lot. Perhaps I just missed the characters from Bones, since I fell in love with the series before readi...