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Handle with Care - Community Reviews back

by Josephine Myles
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Cat's Books: Romance
Cat's Books: Romance rated it 7 years ago
Great things come in small packages…Ben Lethbridge doesn’t have many vices left. He lost his youth to raising his little sister to adulthood, then made up for lost time with reckless abandon. Two years of constant partying—and ignoring his diabetes—has left him tied to a home dialysis regimen.He can...
Fiordiligii rated it 11 years ago
Now this was a very nice JM book which has been on my TBR pile for quite some time and I am glad I finally came around to reading it. I just love the British voice of this author, it tends to make me homesick a little and definitely smile and laugh.Handle With Care deals with a difficult topic, name...
MMarte rated it 11 years ago
I thought this was a sweet story. Ben and Ollie. Ben got me a bit frustrated and thinking "not again..." *face palm*, but it was Ollie who I really took a liking to. If you want another sweet story by the same author, you should check out [b:Junk|18068792|Junk|Josephine Myles|https://d202m5krfqbpi5....
Vic's Booklikes
Vic's Booklikes rated it 11 years ago
holy only...why didn't I get this when it was FREE !!!
MishyJo rated it 11 years ago
Almost instantly I cast Jake Bass as Ollie in my imagination.
No Glitter Blown
No Glitter Blown rated it 11 years ago
Enjoyed the story's characters, but some bits of both of them could have been better explored. I still have a few questions about Ollie including his attraction to Ben in the first place. Favorite quote: They’d had to shave my belly, so I looked even more patchy than usual— like a discarded teddy be...
Twisted Reads
Twisted Reads rated it 12 years ago
So sweet and sugary, watch out you might get diabetes. Get it? The joke? Diabetes? Never mind.It was a cute believable read. The boys are adorable and the relationship was very true.
Sara rated it 12 years ago
So stinking cute! Full review soon.
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook rated it 12 years ago
Cute, mostly fluffy story. Ben was exasperating at times, and I thought for a bit that Zoe had been cast as the evil woman, which thankfully didn't turn out to be the case. Ollie was utterly adorable in his youthfulness and exuberance. I was happy to see that both Ben and Ollie got to grow in this s...
willaful rated it 12 years ago
3 1/2 stars. This is my second read by Myles and as in [b:Junk|18068792|Junk|Josephine Myles|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1370982167s/18068792.jpg|25365060], I think she writes really well about characters with significant, unromantic, real-life issues, who find love. In this case, Ben...
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