Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales, World-Edition Complete (4 volumes)
9788770100274 (8770100276)
ASIN: 8770100276
Publish date: January 1st 1971
Publisher: Flensted
Young Adult,
European Literature,
Fairy Tales,
Short Stories,
I love some of these fairy tales, I'm looking at you Snow Queen, and some I just didn't like, but they were all great.
OK. So. Fairy Tales. Everyone loves a good fairytale, right?But, you know, one. Or two. Three at best. By the time I'd read all these, I could predict exactly what was going to happen. And most of them are so horrible! Nearly all of them involve death, or unrequited love, or divine judgement, and so...
Eh. I wasn't really impressed with the stories. Fairy tales are very interesting. They are definitely the start of fantasy literature so it's fun to see how far things have come over the years. At the same time, I found they can be a bit dull (for me). The biggest problem is the stories don't have a...
ذكريات الطفولة الجميلة ، عالم هانز أندرسون الساحر ، الطبعة القديمة المهترئة ذات الأوراق الصفراء والتي أقلب كل صفحة بمفردها علي حدي ، مازالت احتفظ بهذه النسخة في ظرف بني كبير ولا اريد تجمعيها أو تجليدها لذكريات هذه النسخة بحالتها تلك معي :)
Some stories are quite deep and many, many of them are very sad, when dealing with the harsh reality of life.