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Hans Fallada
Before WWII, German writer Hans Fallada's novels were international bestsellers, on a par with those of his countrymen Thoman Mann and Herman Hesse. In America, Hollywood even turned his first big novel, Little Man, What Now? into a major motion pictureLearning the movie was made by a Jewish... show more

Before WWII, German writer Hans Fallada's novels were international bestsellers, on a par with those of his countrymen Thoman Mann and Herman Hesse. In America, Hollywood even turned his first big novel, Little Man, What Now? into a major motion pictureLearning the movie was made by a Jewish producer, however, the Nazis blocked Fallada's work from foreign rights sales, and began to pay him closer attention. When he refused to join the Nazi party he was arrested by the Gestapo--who eventually released him, but thereafter regularly summoned him for "discussions" of his work.However, unlike Mann, Hesse, and others, Fallada refused to flee to safety, even when his British publisher, George Putnam, sent a private boat to rescue him. The pressure took its toll on Fallada, and he resorted increasingly to drugs and alcohol for relief. Not long after Goebbels ordered him to write an anti-Semitic novel he snapped and found himself imprisoned in an asylum for the "criminally insane"--considered a death sentence under Nazi rule. To forestall the inevitable, he pretended to write the assignment for Goebbels, while actually composing three encrypted books--including his tour de force novel The Drinker--in such dense code that they were not deciphered until long after his death.Fallada outlasted the Reich and was freed at war's end. But he was a shattered man. To help him recover by putting him to work, Fallada's publisher gave him the Gestapo file of a simple, working-class couple who had resisted the Nazis. Inspired, Fallada completed Every Man Dies Alone in just twenty-four days.He died in February 1947, just weeks before the book's publication.

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Birth date: July 21, 1893
Died: February 05, 1947
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philoSophie rated it 10 years ago
Εν μέρει αυτοβιογραφικό, αμιγώς νατουραλιστικό, ο Fallada πλάθει έναν κόσμο όπου η εξάρτηση κι η αδυναμία παίζουν πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο. Επηρεασμένος απ' την ίδια του τη ζωή, περιγράφει βήμα-βήμα την παράδοση του κεντρικού χαρακτήρα στο ποτό, το σταδιακό μίσος προς τη σύζυγό του, την άρνηση ότι είναι ...
Maven Books
Maven Books rated it 10 years ago
An interesting view of Hans Fallada's experiences in Nazi Germany, including how he was considered an "undesirable writer" by the Nazis, faced a great deal of trouble from this and minor scuffles with Party members, and how his work was affected over the years. That said, this book would probably ...
Edward rated it 11 years ago
Foreword--The Wedding Ring--Passion--Tales from the Underworld--Farmers in the Revenue Office--Kubsch and His Allotment--Mother Lives on Her Pension--A Burglar's Dreams Are of His Cell--Why Do You Wear a Cheap Watch?--On the Lam--I Get a Job--A Bad Night--The Open Door--War Monument or Urinal?--Happ...
Edward rated it 12 years ago
--Alone In BerlinAfterwordThe True Story Behind 'Alone In Berlin' and the Gestapo File
Kris' Books.
Kris' Books. rated it 13 years ago
Being a person who gets ’clingy’ to various things during depressing times, but not really addicted in the true sense of the word, I have wondered possibly too often about what makes me reach the state where I feel that I am dependent on a particular activity or object in order to feel the most basi...
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