by J.L. Merrow
2.5 Stars I have to say that this is my 2nd JL Merrow book and I am not impressed. Hard Tail was pretty funny at times, but the story was kind of blah for me. What did I want? Maybe more action with Steve? Maybe Matt's POV, so I could get inside his head, especially where Steve was concerned. Ma...
Just simply; a delightful story with a not too soppy HEA.I really liked this book, it's real characters and subtle British humour, a very refreshing read that left me feeling good.My favourite character? Has to be the cat, Wolverine, what a great name for a sassy ginger!
As we stood there staring into each other’s eyes, I had the strongest, almost painful urge to kiss him. He’d had me at buggery.You real writers are ruining my bitch cred. RUINING.