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Harlan Coben - Community Reviews back

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Booka rated it 4 months ago
CYKL: "MYRON BOLITAR" (TOM 3)Myron Bolitar spotyka się z niecodzienną sytuacją. Dostaje propozycję powrotu do sportu, do jego ukochanej koszykówki! Czyż to nie cudowne? Wszystko fajnie, tylko że kariera Myrona została przerwana dziesięć lat temu przez kontuzję. Myron nie grał zawodowo szmat czasu. J...
Booka rated it 6 months ago
CYKL: "MYRON BOLITAR" (TOM 1)"Bez skrupułów" to pierwszy tom cyklu z Myronem Bolitarem poprzedzający wydarzenia "Krótkiej piłki", którą miałam okazję przeczytać już wcześniej. To właśnie tutaj poznajemy Myrona, jako początkującego agenta sportowców, który wynalazł sobie takie zajęcie po załamanej wł...
Booka rated it 8 months ago
CYKL: "MYRON BOLITAR" (TOM 2) Mimo, iż przeczytałam już parę książek Cobena, to cykl z Michaelem Bolitarem nigdy nie wpadł w moje ręce. Zazwyczaj serie/cykle zaczynam od pierwszego tomu. W przypadku "Krótkiej piłki" zainteresował mnie opis, dlatego po nią sięgnęłam - nie zastanawiając się też, że mo...
Booka rated it 1 year ago
Polubiłam książki Harlana Cobena za sprawą dawno już czytanego thrillera "Nie mów nikomu". Od tamtego czasu - czyli już dobre dziesięć lat temu - miałam chęć poznać "Wgłębi lasu". Przez ten czas thriller ten zdążył się doczekać własnej ekranizacji, a ja nadal nie znałam treści książki, aż do dziś. ...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 5 years ago
What a head trippy book this was. I think that it took a while to get going, but once it did, I couldn't put this book down. I think that Coben asks some interesting questions during the course of this book. I especially loved getting into secrets, white lies, and also what makes a marriage in the e...
Jennifer's Books
Jennifer's Books rated it 5 years ago
Not a review, but I just wanted to say that while this was really good, I enjoyed the tv show more. Could just be the Armitage factor, though. ;) That said, if you've already read the book and are interested in the show, I will say that while there are a lot of similarities, there's also enough di...
XOX rated it 5 years ago
David and Elizabeth is in love. So they have an annual getaway to the wood and celebrate next to a lake in the wood. Someone attack them and kidnapped Elizabeth. David was knocked out. That's was eight years ago. His wife is the last victim of a serial killer KillerRoy. David is a pediat...
XOX rated it 5 years ago
Myron disappeared for few weeks, on a getaway to the Caribbean. He was broken up after he the death of Brenda and his broken up with Jessica. He was with someone, a woman reporter. Win show up, and get him home. His business is falling apart in his absence and his partner Esperanza arrested. Charg...
XOX rated it 5 years ago
Myron is now getting a young women basketball player Brenda as client. She wants him to find his father as he has disappeared for a week. This disappearance has linked to her mother, who has disappeared many years ago. The investigation getting him into trouble. A politician Arthur is interfer...
XOX rated it 5 years ago
Win is at the US Open and invited Myron. Myron is there to talk to some potential clients, golf new stars. Someone asked for his help. Win's mother recommended him. Someone kidnapped Jack and Linda's son Chad. It might be a kidnapping, it might not. It is for Myron to find out quietly witho...
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