Harriet Beecher Stowe
Birth date: June 14, 1811
Died: July 01, 1896
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Books
Harriet Beecher Stowe's book is one that I would classify as important rather than great. It's a powerful condemnation of slavery using the language of Stowe's Christian faith, and her moral outrage at it seeps through nearly every page. This I expected; what I didn't expect was how she developed he...
On the whole, the book had a little too much Jesus for my taste. However, that was kind of the point, wasn't it? It's a plea to Christian people to end the evil of slavery and makes it's case on that basis.I was impressed at the thoroughness of the author's arguments and how well she constructed t...
3.5*Sad but inspirational at the same time.
Ugh. I am glad to be done reading this one. I had a copy of this book when I was younger, and somehow I never managed to get around to reading it. Now that I've read the whole thing, I wonder if I just had a psychic feelings of how much I would have hated it if I'd read it. It's my own fault ...
Stowe’s retelling of the first Christmas celebrated by the pilgrims is, perhaps today, a bit too white centric. That aside it does make for a rather pleasant Christmas tale that reflects the meaning of the time of year. In other words, no Santa Claus and plenty of real carols. It is rather lovely.