Harvey Chute's first novel, "Stone and Silt," is a cozy historical mystery based in gold-rush era British Columbia. His previous published works include five technical guides in Wiley's For Dummies series.The author spent his teenage summers guiding whitewater raft trips on B.C.'s Thompson and...
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Harvey Chute's first novel, "Stone and Silt," is a cozy historical mystery based in gold-rush era British Columbia. His previous published works include five technical guides in Wiley's For Dummies series.The author spent his teenage summers guiding whitewater raft trips on B.C.'s Thompson and Fraser rivers. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, where his elective studies included the history of B.C. and of western Canada.Harvey works as a program manager for an IT consulting firm. He is also the founder of KBoards.com - a Kindle forum popular with book-lovers and authors.He lives in Bellingham, Washington, with his wife and three daughters. He enjoys walking mountain trails, learning blues guitar, and devouring great books.
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