by Ainsley Booth
Okay here we go... and our Heroine kicks butt. Obviously Hailey wants to protect her heart, but not in the obnoxious whiny girl way. Cole is coming on his own. Realizing that you can stop what your heart wants.
Cole and Hailey's story is complicated since they are not supposed to be together. He is a bodyguard for hire, hired by her family. The heat between them pushes them to ignore traditionally attitudes. Cole Parker is in jail to protect a client as we begin this story. Hailey is pretty upset as s...
Totally digging this series!! I am 100% invested in Cole and Hailey's relationship. I want them to have their HEA!! We are not there yet, one more book! The ending was brutal but expected so it didn't sting as bad=) April needs to hurry up and get here!! Read this!!