Awwwwww!!Adorable and very cute.I've missed my boys. Derek needs to cuddle Stiles. It's mostly cause he loves him but of course he doesn't tell him that, what he tells him is that he needs to smell like him because of the Alpha pack. Just cuddling in this.It was lovely.
Really great little fic!This had cuddling! I love cuddling.Derek tightens his arm around Stiles' waist, pulling him back more firmly against just, like, a fucking wall of muscle. Seriously, that much definition should not even be possible. "Scent. Marking," Derek growls, and fuck his life, Stiles fe...
I've read this...twice now? Well, I guess three times after today! Either it's one of the ones that was purged from GR before or I just never reviewed it, but that must be fixed.This was just great, with the funny and the action and the lust, and really, just about everything a good Sterek fic needs...
3.5 stars, if I remember correctly.