by Danielle Bennett, Jaida Jones
And technically, there were mechanical dragons in the book, but they were more props than the characters they deserved to be. The book was basically two parallel stories written together, each with their own pair of characters. The separate storylines were a bit too separate for me, while bein...
One of my all time favorite books. I loved everything about it- the characters, the plot, the whole world where the story takes place...My full review is here, on Hot Stuff for Cool People.
My full review can be found at SFF Book Review.This was a pleasant surprise. The cover and blurb are misleading - because this is neither a steampunk novel, nor is it epic fantasy about raging wars and bloodshed. It is a beautiful fantasy of manners, it contains a wonderful romance between two men, ...
It's clear this book was written by two people because the quality of the writing and planning was inconsistent. One moment the writing is lyrical and clever and the next it's a mess of stereotypes and cliches complete with an abundant abuse of the word 'rather'. The characters were colorful but une...
I absolutely loved this book though it takes forever to figure out who's who and what's what. There are basically four main characters and a boat-load of supporting characters.The land of Votstov is perpetually at war with the Ke-Han people who share a mountainous border. Volstov has the mechanica...
The latest I've read in The Series I've Been Reading Mostly Backwards, for Unknown Reasons.After reading #4, and then #3, I suspected that I really should have read #1 first, in order to be properly introduced to the characters.After reading it, I was correct.Many vaguenesses are now explained. I do...
This was a rather disappointing read. The synopsis on the inner flap of the book suggested a gripping adventure; instead the authors chose to focus on developing the relationships between the characters. I don't mind character-driven books, when the characters are interesting. Unfortunately, out of ...
Two and a half stars.
Funny, very funny story...I add this book in my basket to buy it and guess what:HavemercyBy Danielle Bennett & Jaida JonesGEOGRAPHICALLY RESTRICTED This means that the ebook, on my favorite site to buy ebooks, due to publishers disagreement can't be sell to me, a costumer from Italy.explanation from...
This is an unholy cross between Sorcery and Cecilia] and [b:The Mirador, with little of the charm of either. The metal dragons of Volstov are on the cusp of victory in the generations long battle against the Ke-Han. During a lull in the war, the magician Royston is exciled to his family's country ...