by Nico Jaye
BR with partner in crime Elsbeth2.5 starsWell, this was… a bit different..He punctured the pillow with his claw. He stalked to the kitchen to take the container of mashed potatoes from the hot pot and filled the hole he’d created with the soft, warm paste. With a groan, he fell on his stomach onto t...
Fairly cute, but mushy and almost angst free, except for the last 20% or so, where some random demon-slash-evil-ex-boyfriend decided to pop in for a photo storybomb.
This is my second, oops make that third read by this author. I know, I know I'm behind in my reading. Ok now that we have that out of the way in the interest of full disclosure Nico and I have been friends on GR and here BL for a while. In case you missed that in my review of 'Different Strokes' on...
DNF at 55%Apparently this is a story with M-preg possibility. I didn't see that coming! (I should've realized that with the "knot" in the title... Or not.) The theme being an alpha wolf in heat looking for his mate (here, an alpha wouldn't take on the full wolf body until they found their true mate)...
He’s Just Knot That Into You is such a fun read! This is a really nice shifter series with bonded mates (love those!) and some different shifter mythology.Tanner and Jon were really sweet together. I loved how obvious is was who Tanner was looking for yet he didn’t. I also like that he felt somethin...
Ah, Nico Jaye’s usual fare of sweetness and sexy times. Great and entertaining. But in this story, suddenly there is a real narrative thing happening, and I find I can finally see her strong writing skills. I want more of this side of Nico Jaye, I want more stories with backbone and depth, because...
This was a fun, flufftastic M/M shifter romance! I really liked the mythology the author created/invented for this novella, including Alpha wolves and Alpha Mates, and humans aware of Lycans, witches and warlocks and magic, and KNOTTING! Knotting, people!! Tanner is at 30 years old still waiting for...