by Kate Cross
Due to a perfect storm of gin & tonics, cabin-visitation, and general slovenliness, I read roughly eleventy million pulp steampunk books this summer. Before they disappear into an undifferentiated stew of plucky scientist's daughters and clockwork corsets, I mean to write up just a little about each...
I really enjoyed the series and the story and character development. You jump right into the emotional turmoil, intrigue and action all at once. The tension between Luke and Arden was beautifully developed as well as the multiple layers well woven. I did find their hidden obstacle (the original m...
After reading God Save The Queen by the same author under a different pen name Kate Locke, I was expecting something just as spectacular.Unfortunately, I was disappointed. Heart of Brass is a weak romance novel with a tiny bit of steampunk, and it's such a pity as well, peeps!Arden could have been a...
Working on review. A couple of notes:-liked the romance.-liked the characters; thought Cross did a good job of balancing Arden; she could have easily become a bitter caricature.-like the setup for the Warden spy agency-really liked that the characters were imperfect, that their experiences had had a...
This book was fantastic. I've already re-read it a handful of times. I love the character of Arden, even though she was so stubborn it drive me crazy at times. Ms. Cross writes extremely evocatively, there were times when my heart was in my throat as I waited for what would happen next. I love how L...
I'll admit that I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I picked up Heart of Brass. I knew it was steampunk and that it was first in a new series, but beyond that I didn't have any real expectations. As it turns out, I ended up getting good suspense, a romance that I liked, and interesting leads. Th...
3.5 stars- New steampunk series. Interesting concept and pretty good world building.Lucas and ArdenFull review to come on Fiction Vixen Book Reviews