by Erin O'Quinn
My rating always reflects whether or not I enjoy a story -- it can be influenced by a lot of factors, not necessarily the quality of the story. And I have problems with this book...*) I dislike reading accent immensely ... especially Irish/Scottish accent or what I like to call as British tone. I am...
3 1/2 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews works in a newspaper, he is also a man of mystery and secrets, he meets Simon when the man comes in to put a notice in the paper, Michael is intrigued by the man and decides that he will get closer to h...
Fun, light historical, with toasty chemistry between the leads and a lot of sparkling dialogue. Also, books with MCs who always wear jock straps deserve 1000 extra points. On the downside, the mystery was not particularly mysterious, and I was annoyed that the sole female character was a worthless...