by Freya Robertson
Heartwood by Freya Robertson is the first book in the epic fantasy series Elemental Wars. The story is filled to overflowing with massive world building, loads of characters, diverse races/species and many different viewpoints. To say it is "epic" is almost an understatement of just how "massive" th...
An interesting idea, but the execution fails to capitalize on its promise.
Originally posted at Paris Carter After the tree of arbor heart is stolen by water warriors who stormed out of the river, Anguis is put at the point of collapsing if the knights and lords of Heartwood, Laxony, and Wulfengar can’t team up together and get it back.High fantasy and elves and knights s...
The writing was solid, flowing nicely from scene to scene, and the characters were intriguing. However, the plot was just a bit too simplistic for my tastes, relying too much on deus ex machina and coincidence to make ends meet. I mean, the flood just happened to move the right chest, revealing the ...
It was a complex world that gave me a few surprises. Which I of course can't mention, spoilers darling. Where to start? Delegates from countries have come to Heartwood to talk peace. Heartwood is the religious center with quite the military force. Think Sparta meets...holy tree that needs to be pr...