0/10 I cut my eyes out after reading this so i would never have to read things like this again.
If you're new to the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or are disturbed by all that talk of bronies, check out my review of volume one for an explanation of why you should be watching and/or reading this.Volume two of the comic book series does not pick up where the last volume left off. Much...
I'm not ashamed to admit it. MLP was my childhood show, like some people watched the Ninja Turtles or Beetlejuice.I love the Ponies of my childhood... Hell, I still like them. But their image has changed from when I was little. Much thinner and... Sexier (shudder). Seriously, Luna went from thin, to...
Thank you to Diamond Book Distributors for providing me with a electronic review copy in exchange for an honest review. I love MLP. I'm definitely one of the many faithful viewers of the TV show, and, like all of us I was crushed at the end of the season. How could I wait so LONG for the next season...
Dear Princess Celestia- I mean readers. I will attempt to hold my fandom gushing back for this review. If you haven’t guessed from the opening sentence I’m a pony fan. I find it to be a fun show and while some of the fandom can go overboard there are really fun and sweet people in the fandom.That s...