This volume is kind of a coming home for Silk. I don't want to give anything away, but I feel like the issues cover a lot of ground in a really short period. They really expand her world.I love Silk but she was totally eclipsed for part of this volume by the amazing cast of people that surround her....
I LOVE Spider-Woman! First she's an Avenger, then she quits to do street-level crime, then she's pregnant and subsequently a new mom, and she's a MENTOR! Where has she been all my life? Oh yeah, covered by the mountain of overly marketed male heroes. Okay, to be honest, I hated her old costume and t...
Another issue in which the social, political and comic book culture is skewered. The topics might be heavier, but the tone is always light. This one dealt with comic book tropes and normalcy within an increasingly dangerous world. Mutants, Inhumans and aliens, oh my! Gwen is also being chas...