by Anaïs Nin, Elīza Vanadziņa, Līga Kalniņa
I've spent months with the writings of Anaïs Nin collected in this book, reading much as she might have written them, at night in the hours winding down to sleep a page or two at a time. The writings come from her diaries, written in 1931 and 1932 when she came to know June Miller and her husband, t...
bookshelves: autobiography-memoir, spring-2014, too-sexy-for-maiden-aunts, published-1986, film-only Read on May 04, 2014 Description: Taken from the original, uncensored journals of Anaïs Nin, Henry and June spans a single year in Nin's life when she discovers love and torment in one insatiable ...
It seems almost vulgar to hand out stars to a published journal, especially Nin's. As tends to be the case with journals; you cannot ever get enough of indulging in your own thoughts, dreams, fears and daily struggles for as long as you live. While your self-absorbed musings are, harshly enough, far...