The latest in the long chain of events leading to the ruination of Western Civilization was my getting this book by way of the annual library book sale. No one had checked it out since the Reagan administration.First of all, if you haven't seen the film go see it. As a gay man with a healthy respect...
I loved the film so naturally I want to read this.
Perhaps because I am a fan of Bette Davis but I enjoyed the movie more than the book. The book was great but I would have preferred to simply watch the screen stars of old portray the characters. Sometimes the book is better than the movie but this was not one of those times.
Mehr Thriller als Horror. Reißt einen nicht unbedingt vom Sessel, aber ist doch spannend genug es wirklich zu Ende zu lesen.Am besten hat mir "Was geschah wirklich mit Baby Jane" gefallen, da fiebert man auch so richtig mit.