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Her Fearful Symmetry - Community Reviews back

by Audrey Niffenegger
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Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 12 years ago
I really enjoyed this, except for the ending. I don't want to spoil it so I will just say that there were a number of far better ways to end this, other than the one Niffenegger chose. I really enjoyed reading about the twins, especially the fact that they were mirror images of each other (which I h...
silverneurotic rated it 12 years ago
From the beginning I knew that Her Fearful Symmetry would not be the absolute masterpiece that The Time Traveler’s Wife was. Over the years I’ve read countless reviews, most that were less than stellar and I knew that the only way to get through Her Fearful Symmetry was to do my best at banishing an...
Words and Worlds
Words and Worlds rated it 12 years ago
A little obvious but I enjoyed it, up until the slightly disappointing end.
alienintheheights rated it 12 years ago
Ghost story? No problem. Fun, even. Ridiculous medically implausible twist? You lost me. HFS borrows from the 19th century playbook of young girls falling for much older men, which in today's world is a tad creepy. I failed to be charmed. This book felt like a chore.
Bibliomaniac Scarlet
Bibliomaniac Scarlet rated it 12 years ago
Here’s a question: What would you do if you had an overbearing, bossy twin sister whom you needed to get away from??a. Bear with it – she’s family after all.b. Elope with your middle-aged boyfriend.c. Get your parents involved and have a long family chat.d. Willingly die, and then try to resurrect y...
An Excellent Library
An Excellent Library rated it 12 years ago
Twins Julia and Valentina move to the London flat they inherited from their mother’s estranged twin, and form complicated bonds with the other residents, including the spirit of their aunt, who has never really left.“Well, that’s just it, you see. I think perhaps if that sort of thing does happen —...
BookGyrlinMo rated it 12 years ago
It was good, but it seems like something was left hanging.
helenliz rated it 13 years ago
Having not long read "The Time Traveller's Wife" in book club, we read this one. I can't say I enjoyed it. I found the relationship between the twins 9either set of them) impossible to fathom. I also completely lost any respect for the book once the ghost was capable of moving objects. If she'd stay...
Raging Biblioholism
Raging Biblioholism rated it 13 years ago
I had high hopes for this novel and I have to admit that they weren't met. There are a lot of terrific Gothic elements here and the first two thirds are quite the creepy London gray ghost story... but I had an issue with the way it just sort of flattened out, emotionally, at the end. I didn't like...
Der Bücherwahnsinn
Der Bücherwahnsinn rated it 13 years ago
Meine Meinung Titel & Cover: Der Titel passt eigentlich nicht schlecht auch wenn der Originaltitel doch ganz anders lautet "Hear Fearful Symmetry" Den nämlich versteh ich nicht ganz. Aber das Cover ist einfach wieder wunderschön. So leicht und frisch, trotz des Themas. Aber wer das Buch liest weiss...
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