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Here I Go Again - Community Reviews back

by Jen Lancaster
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aiweihuang rated it 11 years ago
I'm not a fan of this author. She is too much of a narcissist and mean girl for my taste. The good thing is that this book is devoid of all the annoying footnotes she had in her earlier piece of fiction. But she overused the exclamation mark and parentheses which is almost as irritating.
lisa's reviews
lisa's reviews rated it 11 years ago
Jen Lancaster's fiction is no different from her non-fiction, and it lacks the heart and humor of her memoirs. I much prefer to read about her real life than her imagined life (that is exactly like her real life).
BookHounds rated it 11 years ago
My ThoughtsLoved ITLissy Ryder is a sharp tongued viper and rules her high school with her quick cuts and it doesn't hurt that she is cheer captain, homecoming queen and the best dresser. Of course, everyone knew a Lissy in high school. That b*tch that really made your life miserable. You really ...
Mith's Bookshelf
Mith's Bookshelf rated it 11 years ago
A bit (OK, maybe more than a bit) clichéd, but still, quite a funny, decent, feel-good book for when you're down in the dumps.
florinda3rs rated it 11 years ago
There are two kinds of people--those who couldn’t wait for life after high school, and those whose lives peaked in high school. Melissa Belle “Lissy” Ryder is the second kind, but she hasn’t spent the last twenty years pining for her glory days; rather, she’s been living them as if she were still in...
Words, Worlds, Whorls
Words, Worlds, Whorls rated it 11 years ago
I asked for an ARC because I'd heard Bitter is the New Black was outrageously funny, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be carrying this book at work. Plus all the reviews on GoodReads were positive, so I thought I'd give it a go. I made it through forty pages on the first day. Second day, I stru...
Infinite Satellite
Infinite Satellite rated it 12 years ago
*Check out http://www.infinitereads.com for other reviews and sundry thoughts!* Jen Lancaster opens her second novel, Here I Go Again, with a description of a character found in every high school: the girl with the most beauty, most money and most spite in her class. In this case, the mean girl is L...
Les rated it 55 years ago
Don't like her fiction quite as much as her autobiographical works but they're still better than most.In the 1st few chapters you can tell that Lissy needs a bitch-slap from reality. She's 37, divorced, broke, and living with her parents. But when she gets the info on her high school's 20 year reuni...
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