Format: audiobook
Edition language: English
Die Abenteurer Terry, Jeff und Van lösen sich von ihrer Reisegruppe, um im wilden Amazonas nach einer sagenumwobenen Stadt zu suchen, in der es den Legenden nach nur Frauen geben soll. Trotz der Warnungen der Einheimischen, dass kein Mann je von dieser Suche zurückgekehrt wäre, machen sich die drei ...
Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham It has been quite a few years since I read this novel, but I thought it was absolutely terrific and I remember it vividly. The story opens when the main character Philip is a lonely young boy with a club foot being raised by his aunt and uncle. As soon as he...
A neglected work by the author of 'The Yellow Wallpaper'. Opinions here are split on 'Herland', recognizing it as a seminal (uh) work of feminist thought at the start of the 20th century, and yet ultimately limited in its vision of female freedom. Too, as an adventurer's tale of Utopia, its awfully ...
Fun, classic (1915) prediction of what an all-women world would look like. I especially liked the varied reactions of the three guys who drop in on this hidden land in the mountains where women have lived on their own for millennia. Luckily for the women, they've figured out how to spontaneously con...