Het huis met de geesten
Format: paperback
9789078980070 (9078980079)
Publish date: 2007
Publisher: Sanoma Magazines Belgium
Edition language: Dutch
European Literature,
Historical Fiction,
Magical Realism,
Spanish Literature,
Latin American,
Series: Tripartite (#3)
CYKL: "DOM DUCHÓW" (TOM 1)Obszerna saga rodzinna, w której Isabel Allende przenosi czytelnika do Chile. Głównym bohaterem książki jest Esteban Trueba, właściciel hacjendy w Las Tres Marías. Poza nim zapoznajemy się z rodziną Del Valle. Głową tej rodziny jest Severo del Valle, a jego żoną Nivea del V...
L'imagination populaire et l'ignorance où l'on était de sa race conférèrent à Barrabás des caractéristiques mythologiques. On racontait qu'il n'avait cessé de grandir et que si la barbarie d'un boucher n'avait mis fin à ses jours, il eût fini par atteindre la taille d'un chameau. Les gens le croyaie...
I just looked at when I started this book and have to say it's really sad it took me this long to through in the towel. I already could tell as soon as I started the writing was going to drive me bonkers, but it became too much for me to overcome in the end and I stopped reading at 26 percent, or pa...
Nana had the idea that a good fright might make the child speak, and spent nine years inventing all sorts of desperate strategies for frightening Clara, the end result of which was to immunize the girl forever against terror and surprise. Soon Clara was afraid of nothing. She was unmoved by the sudd...
So, after having spent the past weekend and the better part of last night and today tying up half a dozen half-finished bingo reads that, naturally, hadn't shown any progress whatsoever while I was exiled on planet work overload, for the time being I'm back on track. And thus I am happy to finally ...