by Emma Holly
On the one hand we have Olivia and James, happily married for twenty-odd years and still hot for each other. On the other hand we have newly-crowned king of the wereseals, Anso, and his life-long friend and fuck-buddy, Ty. Anso and Olivia turn out to be destined blood mates, which could be tricky, o...
While the erotic content is high and satisfying, what I really liked about this romantic fantasy was the couple's interactions. Especially James and Olivia, the rare romance couple who have been married for decades and have that easy familiarity, down to reading each other's smallest cues. Plus the...
Great story! Fabulous M/M/M/F sex. Loved the ending, too!
This review was originally posted at SelfPublish Date: Out nowHow I got this book: From the authorJames and Olivia Forster have been happily married for many years. A harmless kink here or there spices up their love life, but they can’t imagine the kinks they’ll enc...