by K.A. Merikan
"Nothing makes a relationship as steady as a jam label." Quite the interesting title for this book. The plot was kinda ridiculous with what Mr. B wanted to do, and why, but I just went with it. Hipster Brothel did made for unique, quirky and adorkable story. I found Mr. B (Bernard) and ...
I just didn't "LOVE" it. 'Hipster Brothel' is a cute story about two opposites for all outward appearances. Mr. B, yes that is his name of choice. Mr. B 's relationship with his partner of several years on both a personal and professional level has recently ended so he's at a bit of a pe...
4.5 Stars.With the word Brothel in the title you'd be forgiven for thinking this one might be a bit hard core-but it's not,it's actually quite sweet and endearing.Nothing like the more gritty,dark books these Authors normally write.Jo and Mr B have been friends for years.Jo is bi and has secretly be...