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His Indecent Training 5 - Sky Corgan
His Indecent Training 5
by: (author)
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In an attempt to keep Danica away from Damien, Cheyenne ends up seeing a side of the BDSM world she never intended. With her birthday quickly approaching, she has to decide what she wants from Damien. What he gives her is far more than she could have ever hoped for.
In an attempt to keep Danica away from Damien, Cheyenne ends up seeing a side of the BDSM world she never intended. With her birthday quickly approaching, she has to decide what she wants from Damien. What he gives her is far more than she could have ever hoped for.
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Format: kindle
Pages no: 83
Edition language: English
Erotica, Bdsm
Series: His Indecent Training (#5)
Books by Sky Corgan
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